Manual driven mobile X-ray system - MOBILEART eco (MUX-10)

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Compact and Lightweight design to achieve easy maneuverability and good visibility


Offering user friendly functionality, MOBILEART eco allows to perform comfortable radiography examinations away from the main X-ray department. The manual-driven mobile X-ray system provides essential features for high performance even in confined spaces.

Superb Operability supporting Daily Use

Flexible Bedside Positioning

The X-ray tube arm can be simply and precisely maneuvered into position with one-step operation by pressing "All-free" buttons. In addition, wide exposure range is covered by virtue of telescopic arm type.

Imaging in Bright Room, Saving Energy

The LED light indicates the irradiation field more clearly, even in brightly lit rooms or during daytime use. Also, long-life LED reduces energy consumption and frequency of replacement.

Superb Operability supporting Daily Use

Designed for Ease-of-Use and Great Maneuverability

Compact and Good Visibility

The compact main unit with excellent forward visibility enables smooth and safe drivability through the hospital.

Quick Step over

With its large wheels and step mechanism, the technologist can raise the main cart a little. Thus, it is easy to "step over" the obstacles, even if there is a difference in level on the floor.

Change Directions on the spot

The system maneuvers easily, and it is possible to change directions on the spot. The compact and lightweight design assists in stress-free ward rounds.

Designed for Ease-of-Use and Great Maneuverability

Reliable basic radiography functions

High quality imaging

The generator has a variable frequency range capable of reaching up to 60kHz, providing excellent image quality.

APR buttons for one-touch setup

The technologist easily can select one of the 72 preset anatomical programs (APR) to configure the optimal radiography conditions by simply setting the corresponding radiography region, direction and body thickness.

Reliable basic radiography functions

The product design may be partially changed without notice.

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