Elemental analysis is a process in analytical chemistry in which a sample of a material is analyzed for its elemental and isotopic composition. Elemental analysis can be qualitative or quantitative.

    Shimadzu has been a world leading manufacturer of high-quality elemental analysis spectrometers that meet the application requirements of a wide range of customers, from metals, chemicals, and polymers to environmental testing, food safety, and pharmaceuticals, etc. ​

    Shimadzu’s elemental analysis spectrometers offer performance and value laboratories need. We provide a comprehensive portfolio of products and techniques, from atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES or ICP-AES), and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (ED-XRF), and optical emission spectrometry (OES).


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