We will look back on 150 years of sustained striving by Shimadzu Corporation to realize its vision of contributing to society through science and technology.
We will look back on 150 years of sustained striving byShimadzu Corporation to realize its vision of contributing to society through science and technology.
Starting a Business Manufacturing Physics
and Chemistry Instruments
Starting a Business Manufacturing Physics
and Chemistry Instruments
Shimadzu was founded in Kiyamachi-Nijo, Kyoto, and began manufacturing of physics and chemistry instruments for educational use
Japan’s first successful manned private balloon flight
Genzo Sr. received a commission to construct a manned balloon, with the aim of encouraging interest in science education among the people of Kyoto. He built the balloon based on a single illustration. With a crowd of approximately 50,000 looking on from the plaza of the Kyoto Sento Imperial Palace, the balloon carried a single passenger high above the ground.
Genzo Sr. received technical guidance from Dr. Gottfried Wagener, a German scientist at the Physics and Chemistry Research Institute
Genzo Sr. used a pedal-powered wooden lathe obtained from Wagener to manufacture physics and chemistry instruments.
Genzo Sr. published Science Equipment Catalog List
This product catalog listed 110 physics and chemistry instruments, everything then needed for science education in elementary and junior high schools. The catalog also stated that it would accept any order, including for models and cast products.
Umejiro (Genzo Jr.) built a Wimshurst electrostatic generator at age 15
Genzo Sr. began publishing the monthly Physics and Chemistry Industrial Arts Journal
Genzo Sr. launched a monthly journal on science and technology that profiled new findings by up-and-coming scholars, visionary academic theories, and practical science and technology. This issue is now part of the Shimadzu Foundation Memorial Museum collection.
Scientific specimen manufacturing began
Building the Foundation for Business Expansion
Building the Foundation for Business Expansion
Specimen Department was established
Genzo Jr. taught science while working for the company, and established the Specimen Department to manufacture specimens. The company produced a wide selection of specimens and models for schools and other customers, including mounted rare animals and birds, human skeletons, and physiological models.
Japan’s first X-ray photographs
Eleven months after the discovery of X-rays by the German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen, Genzo Jr. and his younger brother Genkichi, with Professor Han’ichi Muraoka of the Third Higher School (today’s Kyoto University), succeeded in taking X-ray photographs in Shimadzu's lab, launching the company’s involvement with X-ray technology.
Shimadzu manufactured its first storage batteries. In 1908, it marketed them as GS (“Genzo Shimadzu”) storage batteries
Manufacturing of X-ray devices for educational purposes began
Osaka Branch Office was established (followed by Tokyo Branch Office in 1906 and Kyushu Sales office in 1909)
Shimadzu completed the first domestically-produced medical X-ray system
Imports of foreign medical X-ray system began. Shimadzu was also active in this area, designing a large X-ray device that employed a motor-driven DC generator to charge a storage battery. The battery served as the power source for a Wehnelt interrupter induction coil-type large DC X-ray device, which was delivered to the Kohnodai Army Garrison Hospital (Chiba).
First issue of Science, a monthly technical journal, was published
First large, Japanese alternator-type medical X-ray system was built
Shimadzu delivered a sensitive-coil-type X-ray system to the Japanese Red Cross Otsu Hospital in Shiga. The power source employed a rectifier to convert AC to DC. As a pioneer of medical X-ray system in Japan, Shimadzu was leading the way.
Shimadzu registered the crossed circle as a commercial trademark
Transformation to a Modern Company
Transformation to a Modern Company
Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd. (today’s GS Yuasa Corporation) was established to specialize in battery production
Shimadzu was reorganized as joint stock company with Genzo Jr. as president
Testing equipment manufacturing began
Shimadzu bolstered its foundation in testing equipment by introducing a fiber-testing device as a physics and chemistry instrument. Two years later, with guidance from Prof. Matsumura of Kyoto Imperial University, the company commercialized a repetitive-impact testing machine, followed by an Amsler-type hydraulic-pressure tester and a Schopper-type tensile testing machine.
Shimadzu launched Diana medical X-ray system
X-ray machines became more widespread in the 1910s, and Shimadzu developed a succession of new products. Among them, the Diana X-ray machine was improved continuously after its launch and was an established seller through the mid-1930s. As ease of operation improved, sales exploded not only in Japan but internationally. The Diana was also useful in diagnosing tuberculosis and benefitted many patients.
Balance scale manufacturing began
Gear coupling manufacturing began
First X-ray was held
Shimadzu held the first X-ray at its Kawaramachi main office. Medical treatment using X-rays was still a new field, and dissemination of the correct knowledge concerning X-rays, and acquisition of expertise in operating X-ray devices, were important goals in the field of radiology.
Berlin Branch Office was established
Mannequin manufacturing began
The trend toward Western-style clothing was accompanied by an increase in mannequin imports, but many of these mannequins were damaged during shipping. In response, Shimadzu utilized the technology it developed for making human body models in the Specimen Department to repair and manufacture mannequins. At its peak, the company was producing over 85% of mannequins in Japan. The business continues today under the auspices of another company.
Textile machinery (spinning pumps and nozzles) manufacturing began
Shimadzu X-ray Technology Training Center (now Kyoto College of Medical Science) opened
The center developed specialist technicians with correct X-ray related knowledge and skills. The training period was six months. Graduates of junior high schools or above were recruited from across the country and tested. The first intake totaled 40 students, 20 in the main course and 20 auditors.
Shimadzu President Genzo Shimadzu Jr. was named one of Japan’s ten greatest inventors
Genzo Jr. was named one of the ten greatest inventors in Japan in recognition of his Simple Applied Method for Manufacturing Lead Powder, an important material for storage batteries. The method delivered significant improvements and cost reductions in the production of lead powder, at a time when Japan was largely dependent on imports of this material.
Industrial X-ray apparatus (WELTES) manufacturing began
Optical analyzer (spectrograph) and X-ray analyzer manufacturing began
Aircraft equipment manufacturing began
Shimadzu Seisakusho Seinen Gakko (now Shimadzu Engineering School) was established
Process control instrument manufacturing began
First issue of Shimadzu Review was published
From Post-War Rebuilding to Growth
From Post-War Rebuilding to Growth
Manufacturing resumed
In August, one day after the end of the World War 2, an emergency board of directors meeting was held to initiate the process of winding up Shimadzu’s wartime activities. All employees resigned in September, but 2,865 were rehired the following month, and production resumed in November. Yosuke Suzuki was appointed third president, and full-scale activities based on a recovery plan commenced.
Shimadzu launched the first domestically-produced electron microscope
Specimen Department became an independent company (today’s Kyoto Kagaku Co. Ltd)
The Emperor visited the Sanjo Factory
During a visit to Kyoto to inspect postwar conditions and promote industry, the Emperor toured Shimadzu’s Sanjo Factory. In the electron microscope room, he observed diatoms, which were his area of research, through an electron microscope.
Sales began of Japan's first direct-reading optical emission spectrometer (quantometric recorder)
Aircraft Equipment Division was established
Shimadzu launched the first domestically-produced gas chromatograph
The gas chromatograph (GC) revolutionized the analysis of many substances such as petroleum products, solvents, chemicals, and food ingredients. GC use has spread widely along with the development of the chemical and food industries, and Shimadzu continues to develop these devices as a leading manufacturer.
Shimadzu launched the world's first remote X-ray television system
Established the New York Office
Shimadzu (Europa) GmbH (SEG) was established in West Germany
Developing and Expanding Markets
Throughout the World
Developing and Expanding Markets
Throughout the World
Shimadzu launched a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS)
Shimadzu launched a high-speed liquid chromatograph (LC)
100th anniversary of Shimadzu’s founding Shimadzu Foundation Memorial Museum opened
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. (SSI) was established in the U.S.
Hydraulic Equipment Department (now Fluidics Systems Division) was established
Middle East Office was established in Cairo
Shimadzu launched a medical X-ray CT scanner
An analytical instrument service station was established in Beijing, followed by a Beijing Office the following year
Shimadzu Precision Instruments, Inc. (SPI) was established in the U.S.
Latin America Office was established in Argentina
Shimadzu Science Foundation was established
The foundation was established to support and promote scientific and technological research and development, contribute to industrial development, and promote welfare in Japan. It supports outstanding research and development and recognizes distinguished achievement with the Shimadzu Prize.
Shimadzu launched Japan's first air-cooled turbomolecular pump (TMP)
Shimadzu developed a TMP to create vacuum states using aircraft turbine technology. Accelerators and nuclear fusion were the principal applications, but subsequently development progressed for electronic and semiconductor manufacturing and processing. Today Shimadzu TMPs also find use in environmental applications.
Net sales and operating income reached ¥100 billion and ¥10 billion respectively
Joint development of HEADTOME-IV took place
In PET scans, a radiotracer is injected into the patient to image and quantitatively assess biological activity and function. HEADTOME-IV was developed jointly with Akita Prefectural Cerebrovascular Research Center (now the Akita Prefectural Cardiovascular and Cerebrospinal Center) at a time when the principal PET application was brain function research.
U.K. company Kratos Analytical Ltd. was acquired
Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. (SAP) was established in Singapore
Shimadzu Oceania Pty. Ltd. (SOP) was established in Australia (Currently known as Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (Oceania) Pty. Ltd. (SOPS). Shimadzu Medical Systems (Oceania) Pty. Ltd. (SOPM) established in 1996)
New Management Principle was formulated: “Realizing Our Wishes for the Well-being of Mankind and the Earth”
Overcoming Obstacles to a V-shaped Recovery
Overcoming Obstacles to a V-shaped Recovery
Shimadzu Philippines Manufacturing, Inc.(SPM)was established in the Philippines
Shimadzu U.S.A. Manufacturing, Inc.(SUM)was established in the U.S.
Shimadzu Vietnam Medical Hi-Tech Company Ltd.(SVM)was established in Viet Nam
Shimadzu Research Laboratory (Europe), Ltd. was established in the U.K.
Shimadzu (Hong kong) Ltd. was established in Hong kong
Shimadzu India Pvt., Ltd. was established in India
Shimadzu launched the MobileArt mobile X-ray imaging unit
Shimadzu member Koichi Tanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 2003, the Koichi Tanaka Mass Spectrometry Research Laboratory was established
Tanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in perfecting the soft laser desorption ionization method. The Koichi Tanaka Mass Spectrometry Research Laboratory, established in 2003, conducts research and development in mass spectrometry technology and engages in collaborative development with external research institutions.
Accelerate global expansion
Accelerate global expansion
Shimadzu Software Development Canada, Inc.(SSDC) was established in Canada
Shimadzu Middle East & Africa Fze. was established in UAE
Kyoto College of Medical Science established
Since the Shimadzu X-ray Technology Training Center opened, many changes have taken place, including an extended training period, an expanded curriculum, and name changes. In April 2007 the center was reorganized as Kyoto College of Medical Science to train radiologists.
Shimadzu Forest creation activity began in Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture
As a participant in the Kyoto Model Forest Movement, Shimadzu gave a forest in Yagi-cho, Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture the name Shimadzu Forest. Volunteers from Shimadzu and their families collaborate with local residents to preserve the forest.
Shimadzu launched Japan's first triple quadrupole LC mass spectrometer LCMS-8030
Shimadzu South Africa (Pty), Ltd.(SSA)was established in South Africa
Shimadzu launched the FOODSEYE food radioactivity inspection system
The nuclear power plant accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake led to concerns over possible radioactive contamination of rice. To address this problem, Shimadzu developed the FOODSEYE food radioactivity inspection system, which enables comprehensive inspection and rapid safety conformation.
Shimadzu Latin America, SA.(SLA)was established in Uruguay
Hisaki Spectroscopic Planet Observatory was equipped with Shimadzu diffraction grating
Shimadzu's diffraction grating was a key device in the Hisaki Spectroscopic Planet Observatory, launched in 2013.
Shimadzu Innovation Centers opened in the U.S. and China
Shimadzu was selected as 2016 Nadeshiko Brand for its efforts to promote women’s activities
Shimadzu Innovation Centers opened in Europe and Singapore
Meeting Social Challenges through Science
and Technology
Meeting Social Challenges through Science
and Technology
Healthcare R&D Center opened
The Healthcare R&D Center develops technologies utilizing analytical measurement technology and medical imaging technology. It seeks to address social challenges by engaging in external collaboration to deepen understanding of the life sciences, contribute to an aging society with science and technology, and support food product development to promote health.
COVID-19 detection reagent kit was launched in Japan
Shimadzu developed the Ampdirect™ 2019-nCoV Detection Kit using unique Ampdirect technology to facilitate and accelerate PCR testing of biological samples.
Shimadzu’s Amyloid MS CL, a blood amyloid peptide measurement system that uses a small amount of blood to predict the onset of Alzheimer's disease, was approved as a medical device in Japan
Shimadzu launched "AutoAmp", a fully-automatic PCR testing system for clinics.
Contributes to Japan’s COVID-19 testing capabilities -
Shimadzu launched BresTome, the world's first specialized TOF-PET system for head and breast examinations
Shimadzu joined the RE100 global environmental initiative
The Shimadzu Group has pledged to use 100% renewable energy sources for electricity used in its business activities in Japan and overseas by 2050, and will promote energy-saving initiatives and the use of renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions.
SHIMADZU Future Collaboratory opened in Keihanna Science City
The center is a space for co-creation through open innovation to advance and diversify research and development and new business formation. It engages in research and development for cutting-edge and highly original technologies including advanced analysis, brain and five senses, innovative biotechnology, and artificial intelligence.
Nissui Pharmaceutical (now Shimadzu Diagnostics) became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shimadzu
Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., engaged in research and development and sales of clinical reagents, joined the Shimadzu Group, creating synergies in the areas of clinical diagnostics, microbiological testing, and cell-related business.
Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza opened in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa
Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza promotes development of applied technologies for analytical and measuring instruments, provides customer technical support, and strengthens open innovation. Its goal is to create new value in world-class research areas.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. (SSI) opened R&D center; development capabilities for pharma business expansion strengthened
Logistics, laboratory, and systems GC assembly functions strengthened to expand operations; Shimadzu Middle East & Africa FZE (SMEA) built a new head office