Brand Statement

Excellence in Science


Corporate Philosophy

Contributing to Society
through Science and Technology

Genzo Shimadzu Sr., our founder,
was inspired by Japan's goal to
establish itself
as a leader in science.
It was the very idea of contributing to society
through the promotion of instruments
for physics and chemistry that led to
the founding of Shimadzu.

Management Principle

Realizing Our Wishes
for the Well-being
of Mankind and the Earth

As global environmental issues draw attention,
the desire of humankind for a healthy and
prosperous life remains unchanged.
In 1992, we established our management
to clarify our contribution to
people and
the earth we live on.

What can we deliver to each and every user
of Shimadzu brand products and services?
What should we offer them?
The Shimadzu Group brand statement
sums up the answer in three words.

In every corner of the world,
our products and services are being used by
customers to develop a variety of new products,
to protect and restore the environment,
and to deliver better health and lifestyles to people.
With pride in these achievements firmly in mind,
we strive to further improve our technologies
and to enhance our knowledge,
so that going forward we can offer even greater
technologies, products, and services.

Excellence in Science

- that is the promise we make to society and
to ourselves with our brand statement.