Shimadzu’s analytical balances have a weighing capacity ranging from 62g to 320g and a minimum readability from 0.01mg to 0.1mg. They are widely used in government, university, and private company laboratories and quality control departments. They are also used for weighing reagents and samples, and measuring mass change and density in pretreatment processes before the use of analytical instruments. Specifically, they are used to weigh reagents and samples before analysis when using LC/HPLC, LC/MS, GC/MS, UV, thermal analyzers, and TOC analyzers.

    We provide a comprehensive product lineup of analytical balances, including the advanced UniBloc AP Series, boasting quick response and high stability; the multi-functional AU Series, capable of speedy measurements and direct data readout; and the basic model AT-R Series, offering highly stable performance with improved operability. 
    Learn more about our full lineup and how you can enhance your laboratory performance below. 

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