・Measuring the molecular weight distribution of carboxymethyl cellulose with an eluent of sodium nitrate or sodium sulfate is possible. ・Stable analysis can be achieved with a less corrosive eluent. ・The integrated HPLC system is not dedicated to gel-filtration chromatography (GFC), but also utilized for other purposes.
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is used in disintegrating agents for pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics, and other products. CMC is an anionic water-soluble polymer with thickening, water-absorbing, and water-retaining features. Gel-filtration chromatography (GFC) is used to measure molecular weight distribution when evaluating the physical properties and performing product quality control of water-soluble polymers. In general, when analyzing anionic samples by GFC, early elution may occur due to chain enlargement caused by intramolecular ion repulsion, and ion repulsion with packing materials. Depending on the eluent conditions used for GFC, ion repulsion-based electrostatic interactions can make the CMC elution start earlier and disturb an accurate determination of the molecular weight distribution. This article describes analyses of CMC using an integrated HPLC system, as well as a comparison of different eluents.
November 2, 2021 GMT
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