- Enables analysis using positive/negative ion polarity switching by the LCMS-9050. - Enables comprehensive analysis of compounds using the accurate mass and retention time information. - This method using an online purification column enables quick and easy sample preparation.
The pesticide residue limits in food are strictly regulated by eachregion or country in order to protect the people’s health. Inrecent years, the number of pesticides regulated around theworld is on the rise. The QuEChERS method published by the USDA (United StatesDepartment of Agriculture) in 2003, which has been adopted asan official method by organizations such as the Association ofAnalytical Communities (AOAC) and Committee of EuropeanNormalization (CEN), enables efficient extraction of pesticideswithout the need for special equipment. However, there areproblems with reproducibility being dependent on operatorsand the time requiredfor the work. In this article, an example of comprehensive analysis of residualpesticides in spinach using a Revive In-Line Sample Preparation(ILSP) column1) (RESTEK Co.) and the quadrupole time-of-flightmass spectrometer LCMS-9050 is introduced. The ReviveILSP column, which enables on-line cleanup of compoundsderived from the matrix, makes the sample preparation quickerand easier. It is also expected that this method can contribute tothe reduction ofwaste and costs associatedwith pretreatment.
12 de abril de 2023 GMT
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