Nexera Prep
- Scaling-up from analytical column to preparative column and purity/recovery check can be completed in a single system. - LabSolutions MD efficiency optimizes separation conditions by automatically creating analysis schedules. - Single quadrupole mass spectrometer LCMS-2050 provides m/z information for target compounds.
Preparative HPLC is utilized in various fields, such as pharmaceuticals, food, and chemical engineering, for purifying target compounds from mixed samples, searching for active ingredients in natural products, and analyzing the structures of impurities and unknown compounds. To achieve high purity and recovery rate for fractionation of target compounds, it is crucial to establish analytical conditions that separate these compounds from other co-existing components. Due to the significant sample and mobile phase consumption associated with preparative HPLC conditions, the optimization of separation conditions is typically performed on an analytical scale to minimize these consumptions. During this optimization, various HPLC conditions, including gradient profiles, are adjusted to find the optimal separation. This is a time-consuming process for creating each analysis schedule. Also, confirmation of purity and recovery rate after scaling-up is followed by transferring fractions from fraction tubes to an autosampler manually. This article presents an efficient preparative purification workflow, which includes investigating separation conditions at analytical scale, scaling-up for fractionation, and confirming purity and recovery rate. All of these processes are carried out using single analytical/preparative convertible LC-MS system.
November 21, 2023 GMT
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