GCMS-TQ™ 8040 NX
- Fragrance allergens in cosmetics can be analyzed with high sensitivity using the MRM mode of the triple quadrupole GCMS. - Improved analysis sensitivity allows for greater sample dilution, which can lead to reducing contamination in the injector. - The use of MRM mode improves selectivity in analysis, leading to less labor-intensive data analysis and more stable laboratory operations.
Fragrances in cosmetics contain compounds that can potentially cause allergic reactions depending on their concentrations, necessitating their control at appropriate levels. The EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC 1223/2009) currently regulates 24 fragrance compounds in cosmetics as fragrance allergens. However, there are considerations to expand this regulation to include more than 80 compounds. In this context, it is critical for cosmetic manufacturers to accurately track the fragrance compounds contained in their finished products or raw materials. In Application News 01-00526, the article “Quantitative Analysis of 57 Fragrance Allergens in Cosmetics Using Twin Line MS System”, introduced an example of analysis for fragrance allergens in cosmetics using a single quadrupole GCMS. However, in complex matrix samples like cosmetics, accurate quantitation can be hindered by the interference of impurities. In such cases, performing MRM analysis with a triple quadrupole GCMS is expected to improve measurement accuracy. This Application News presents the results of investigation on how to further enhance sensitivity, accuracy, and analytical stability using a triple quadrupole GCMS.
December 5, 2023 GMT
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