On-line Monitoring of Flow Synthesis Reactions Using Nexera FV


User Benefits

- On-line monitoring of flow synthesis reactions can be performed. - Simple operation with dedicated software allows automatic execution of analysis at specific sampling intervals and automatic report generation. - Reliable experimental system setup can be established using HPLC as a part of flow synthesis system.


In the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries, there is an increasing demand to switch from conventional batch manufacturing for the sake of improvement of efficiency (labor and manpower savings), quality and safety, and reduction of environmental load. ICH-Q13 guidelines for continuous production of drug substances and drug products recommend the application of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) for the purpose of maintaining controlled conditions for manufacturing. Consequently, the demand for PAT is increasing. Nexera FV is an HPLC system setup for on-line analysis equipped with a flow through vial in the autosampler (Fig. 1). The system enables automated processes from continuous delivery of reaction solution into the flow-through vial to resulting report creation of HPLC analysis. This article introduces an on-line monitoring of flow synthesis reactions using Nexera FV, taking an example of the esterification of carboxylic acid.

August 30, 2024 GMT

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