Measuring Changes in Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Due to Adsorption on Porous Materials


User Benefits

- Based on a highly stable measuring principle, the CGT-7100 is ideally suited to the evaluation of greenhouse gas sorbents that require continuous monitoring of gas levels. - The CGT-7100 is a simple-to-operate, transportable, all-in-one gas analyzer with a built-in sample pump, filter, and moisture removal system. - It can save recorded data on a USB flash drive for easy editing on a computer or sharing between groups.


Environmental issues, such as global warming, have become an international concern. Rising levels of CO2, CH4, N2O, and other greenhouse gases cause global warming and is an issue that requires immediate action. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies that capture, store, and reuse greenhouse gases offer a potential solution to this issue, and developing them is now a global activity. To develop these technologies, materials, such as zeolites and amine solvent sorbents, are being used to capture greenhouse gases. This article presents a demonstrative case study that used a CGT-7100 transportable gas analyzer to monitor changes in CO2 levels during CO2 adsorption on a zeolite.

November 12, 2024 GMT

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