Clinical Research

In clinical applications, analytical instruments unfold a multitude of benefits:

- They support quality of life. Analytical instruments help to elucidate the efficiency and toxicity of pharmaceuticals.

- Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics study by using them is inevitable in drug research and development.

- They analyze over- and undersupply of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

- They are applied in genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.



Blood (whole blood, plasma and serum) analysis provides a variety of information about the human body. Research results and reliability are improving due to the increased sensitivity of analytical instrument systems.



Cell analysis provides a variety of information about the human body. Research results and reliability are improving due to the increased sensitivity of analytical instrument systems.



Direct analysis of cells provides a variety of information about the living organism. Research results and reliability are improving due to the increased sensitivity of analytical instrument systems.

Urine & Feces


Urine analysis provides a variety of information about the human body. Research results and reliability are improving due to the increased sensitivity of analytical instrument systems.