
Evaluation of Thermal Stability- Oligonucleotide Therapeutics

Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) have a helical structure formed by two strands held together by hydrogen bonds. Increasing the temperature breaks the hydrogen bonds to form single strands. The temperature where 50 % of the bonds are broken is defined as the melting temperature (Tm), which is used as an indicator of double-strand stability.

Evaluation of Thermal Stability

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Tm Analysis System
Thermal Stability Analysis of Nucleic acid

This system analyzes the thermal stability (Tm analysis) of nucleic acids in compliance with ER/ES-related regulations. Measurement parameters, audit trails, and data acquisition/analysis results are managed in a database protected by user privileges and security policies to achieve the industry’s highest level of data integrity. The product line now includes a new model featuring 8 multi-micro cells with a 1 mm optical path length (minimum sample volume: 10 μL) for measuring even smaller quantities.