The GCMS-TQ8050 NX features a new highly efficient detector and three noise reduction technologies that enable femtogram-level quantitative analysis.
Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS
Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry is a mass detection technology that can be adapted to a wide range of applications. Shimadzu’s triple quad GC-MS offers ultimate high-speed and high-sensitivity analysis with unparalleled performance to meet your analysis needs in fields such as food safety, cannabis testing, forensics, and more.
Shimadzu's triple quadrupole GC-MS systems provide outstanding functionality, a variety of smart features, easy maintenance designs, and intuitive software, all of which can help you streamline your workflows and improve laboratory ROI. Our portfolio includes the GCMS-TQ8050 NX and the GCMS-TQ8040 NX. Browse Shimadzu’s entire product range below.
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2GCMS-TQ™8050 NX
The GCMS-TQ8050 NX features a new highly efficient detector and three noise reduction technologies that enable femtogram-level quantitative analysis.
GCMS-TQ™ 8040 NX
The Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8040 NX is the first triple quadrupole with Smart Productivity for high efficiency sample throughput, Smart Operation for quick and easy method development, and Smart Performance for low detection limits and Scan/MRM.
Automatic Derivatization System for Phenethylamine Drugs
This system allows the on-column derivatization using auto-injector AOC-30i and a LabSolutions GCMS system that is now equipped with 2-step injection. On-column derivatization allows for the direct analysis of extracted urine samples without additional sample pretreatment, which can significantly shorten the time required for derivatization.
New Webinar Information -Redefine Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds Analysis by GC-MS, from Start to Finish-
In this webinar, we will explore how Shimadzu’s latest GC-MS instruments, in combination with the multi-platform software LabSolutions and LabSolutions Insight, enable successful detection, quantitation, and suspect screening of VOCs and SVOCs. Plus, discover how these tools support EPA methods, from initial sample analysis to final data reporting.
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