
    Cell Pocket™ - Applications

    Web Application Supporting Cellular Observations


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    Analysis of colony morphology distribution

    Trained Model   Combine images   Coverage   Particle analysis

    After combining nine images, colony regions are discriminated from the background, and then the diameter, area, roundness of each colony, and coverage can be quantitated.


    Detection of abnormal cells / colonies

    Trained Model    Defect detection

    Target cells and defects can be surely detected with high speed and high accuracy.

    Detection of abnormal cells / colonies

    Analysis of texture similarity

    Trained Model    Texture similarity

    After training, a slight difference in pattern information on the cell texture can be detected and quantified.


    Particle classification by morphological analysis and characteristic quantities

    Trained Model    Particle analysis

    By classifying particle types based on characteristic quantities, such as the shape, color, or brightness of particles, particles with particular characteristics can be counted.

    Particle classification by morphological analysis and characteristic quantities