Tm Analysis System
Tm Analysis System

Tm Analysis System
Tm analysis systems can accelerate the development process and improve the quality of oligonucleotide therapeutics. Control by LabSolutionsTM software enables compliance with ER/ES-related regulatory requirements and improves the efficiency of analyzing the thermal stability (Tm analysis) of nucleic acids.
What is Tm Analysis System

Tm analysis serves an important role in checking the thermal stability and sequence of nucleic acids. In Tm analysis, heat is applied to the nucleic acids in double-strands. Then, the change in absorbance (melting curve) that occurs as the temperature increases and the strands dissociate into single strands is measured. The melting temperature (Tm value) is determined as the temperature where the mole fractions of single and double strands are equal.
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Shimadzu has released the Tm Analysis System
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