Offers Greater Degree of Freedom in Measurement Location
Uses a head holder that fits the whole head closely...
Portable functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for Research
Shimadzu Portable functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) System for Research* Near infrared light, which readily diffuses easily through biological tissue, can be used to measure localized blood oxygenation levels of the brain to monitor where activity occurs in response to a task of stimulus. The portability of LIGHTNIRS allows visualizing brain function activity in real time in a more natural state than other methods. Consequently, it is being used in a wide range of applications including medical research, developmental psychology, education, cognitive science and engineering.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Neuromarketing Research
Communication research
Brain-machine interface
(BMI) research
Rehabilitation research
Download the latest brochure.
New IMAGEREVEAL MS, Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data Analysis Software
Automatically uncover important information from large amounts of data with IMAGEREVEAL MS.
New iMScope QT
Inheriting the concept of a mass spectrometer equipped with an optical microscope from the iMScope series, the iMScope QT is also Shimadzu's flagship model for MS imaging with a LCMS-Q-TOF.
Shimadzu has released the Cell Pocket Ver.2.10 Web Application Supporting Cellular Observations
Cell Pocket is an integrated system for both the analysis and management of cell images.
Shimadzu has released the Tm Analysis System
Tm analysis systems can accelerate the development process and improve the quality of oligonucleotide therapeutics. Control by LabSolutionsTM software enables compliance with ER/ES-related regulatory requirements and improves the efficiency of analyzing the thermal stability (Tm analysis) of nucleic acids.
Dementia / Alzheimer‘s disease
Shimadzu is a leading driver in developing healthcare solutions with technology developments ranging from advanced imaging systems for use in medical diagnosis and treatment, engineering mass spectrometry-based solutions for exploring ways to discover disease biomarkers as well as building MS solutions for daily routine quantitation in biological fluids.
Shimadzu has released Cell Pocket Ver.2
Cell Pocket is an integrated system for both the analysis and management of cell images.