
    Exact Mass Database for Endogenous Metabolites - Features

    LabSolutions™ LCMS for LCMS-9030

    Information for 470 compounds

    This database is based on the successful LC/MS/MS Method Packages for Primary Metabolites, Cell Culture Profiling, Lipid Mediators, Short Chain Fatty Acids, and Bile Acids, and provides a comprehensive list of 470 metabolites (including internal standards) with retention times and exact mass information.

    The database is compatible with the Multi-omics Analysis Package (sold separately). Processing the analysis results with Multi-omics Analysis Package allows statistical analysis, network analysis and visualization on the metabolic map(exc. Short chain fatty acids) to be carried out easily.​

    Method name No. of registered compounds*
    Primary metabolites 99
    Cell culture profiling 96
    Lipid mediators 214
    Short chain fatty acids 23
    Bile acids 38
    *including internal standards 

    Total Solutions for Metabolomics

    Shimadzu provides a set of workflows using a variety of mass spectrometers and database/method packages for metabolomics.

    Example 1: Biomarker Discovery

    Example 2: Comprehensive Cell Culture Profiling


    1. LabSolutions LCMS Ver. 5.97 or later is required.
    2. This method package is for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

    LabSolutions is a trademark of Shimadzu Corporation.