
    Three Features of the Shimadzu LabTotal Vial

    This improves quantitative accuracy in the analysis of trace basic compounds.

    This product can be used as a vial for high-sensitivity analysis in conventional LC and in LC/MS analysis.

    This shortens the time needed for sample preparation and reduces human error.

    Mass Spec Quality Certificate Provided

    This confirms that there was an absence of elution components from the vial in random inspections using LC/MS/MS and GC/MS. Therefore, this product can be used with confidence, with no concern for ghost peaks originating from the vial.

    Wide-Mouthed Vial, with Preset Septum and Cap

    This product is designed so that the corners of the bottom of the vial interior can be reached by inserting a 100 μL scale micropipette tip obliquely, which increases the ease of use when inserting and retrieving samples.
    Also, marking labels, handy for note taking, are included with the vials.