Nexera Prep
NEWPreparative Purification Liquid Chromatograph

Nexera Prep
- Easy optimization of preparative parameters and scale up
Fractionation simulation for rapid setup of collection logic Column line-up for scale-up from analytical to preparative - Time- and energy-saving by automation of the purification workflow
Collection of target components at high purity by automated desalting - Expandable to suit the sample/fraction number and volume
Choose from a wide range of options for recovery scale and analytical detection Problems are resolved simply, to accommodate a variety of needs.
Streamline and Simplify Establishing the Conditions for Preparative Work
Using the Nexera Prep system saves on labor when scaling up from the development of analytical conditions to the conditions for preparative work.
Preparative Work for Target Components at High Purity Levels and High Concentrations
The Nexera UFPLC™, Ultra Fast Preparative and Purification Liquid Chromatograph, significantly reduces the cost and labor involved in preparative purification. Additionally, the system not only performs purification of target components, but can also recover impurities with high yield, enabling direct impurity analysis.
Streamline and Simplify Establishing the Conditions for Preparative Work
With LH-40 and FRC-40 able to perform signal-based logic and collection on up to four signal channels, not having a chromophore is not a limitation. Nexera Prep can use LCMS, RID, and ELSD to detect and/or identify targets for purification.
Increased Efficiency from Preparative Analysis Setup to Data Processing
Open Solution™ is open access software that not only streamlines preparative purification operations, but also supports multi-user operation of preparative systems.
Prep Solution is straightforward to operate even for inexperienced users, because the number of parameter settings characteristic of preparative work has been reduced to the utmost.
Increased Efficiency from Preparative Analysis Setup to Data Processing
By repeatedly cycling the sample through the column, the target component can be resolved and recovered from coeluting species or impurities without the need for longer or multiple columns.
Excellent System Expandability
The solvent delivery unit and fraction collector can be selected to suit the recovery volume. Sample introduction and reinjection options cover a wide range of uses. Additionally, the Shim-pack Scepter™ columns feature excellent scalability from analytical to preparative separations with a variety of phases for different applications.
Nexera, Open Solution, Shim-pack Scepter, LabSolutions and Purication Solution are trademarks of Shimadzu Corporation or its affiliated companies in Japan and/or other countries.
Using the Nexera™ Prep system saves on labor when scaling up from the development of analytical conditions to the conditions for preparative work.
The Shimadzu UFPLC, Ultra Fast Preparative and Purification Liquid Chromatograph significantly reduces the cost and labor involved in preparative purification. Additionally, the system not only performs purification of target components, but can also recover impurities with high yield enabling direct impurity analysis.
With LH-40 and FRC-40 able to perform signal-based logic and collection on up to four signal channels, not having a chromophore is not a limitation. Nexera Prep can use LCMS, RID, and ELSD to detect and/or identify targets for purification.
Open Solution is open access software that not only streamlines preparative purification operations, but also supports multi-user operation of preparative systems.
By repeatedly cycling the sample through the column, the target component can be resolved and recovered from coeluting species or impurities without the need for longer or multiple columns.
The solvent delivery unit and fraction collector can be selected to suit the recovery volume. Sample introduction and reinjection options cover a wide range of uses. Additionally, the Shim-pack™ Scepter columns feature excellent scalability from analytical to preparative separations with a variety of phases for different applications.
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News / Events
New Method Development System
LabSolutions™ MD improves method development efficiency by taking an Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) approach. This software efficiently develops highly reliable analysis methods by configuring mobile phases, columns, and other parameters using an analysis function that automatically generates analysis schedules with the experimental design method and a data analysis function that plots a design space and predicted chromatogram.
New Nexera Prep Preparative Purification Liquid Chromatograph
The Nexera™ Prep Purification System provides optimal solutions for your laboratory needs.
Shimadzu has released the Shim-vial™ H glass, S glass.
Shimadzu provides high-quality vials that thoroughly eliminate these risks by visually inspecting each vial, allowing them to be used with confidence.
Shimadzu has released the MUP-3100, Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for Glycan Analysis
Shimadzu developed the MUP-3100 Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for Glycan Analysis in conjunction with Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd., for use with their antibody N-glycan analysis kit. The MUP-3100 eliminates manual sample preparation, increases overall analysis throughput, and improves reproducibility.
Ion Chromatography Solutions for Environmental Analysis
Shimadzu has focused on the development of instruments for environmental analysis for decades, helping scientists to detect, identify and quantify trace-level pollutants and meet environmental testing demands, for both regulatory purposes and to advance Research & Development.
Shimadzu has released the Peakintelligence™ for LC
Liquid chromatography is now an indispensable analytical technique used in pharmaceutical, food, and a wide variety of other industries. In these industries, there is a need for efficient data analysis methods that are not user-dependent. Peakintelligence for LC software includes AI algorithm* that was developed by learning expert peak integration skills.