UF-Amino Station - Features

    LC/MS Ultra Fast Amino Acid Analysis System

    High-Speed Batch Analysis of 38 Amino Acids Can Be Performed in Just 9 Minutes

    High-speed separation using a special column and mass spectrometry results in the analysis of 38 amino acids and amino acid-related substances in a mere 9 minutes. This is approximately 1/18th of the analysis time of an amino acid analysis system combining ion-exchange chromatography with the postcolumn derivatization method. Up to 96 samples can be analyzed in 24 hours in sequence. The significant increase in throughput leads to excellent performance in multi-sample processing.


    Automatic Derivatization Improves Efficiency and Reliability

    UF-Amino Station improves the efficiency of the derivatization process via automatic pretreatment functions, while improving the reliability of the analysis results. Simply position the samples and reaction reagents in the instrument. The system then automatically performs everything from pretreatment to injection into the HPLC, reducing the work involved in pretreatment and improving reliability.

    Derivatization via the Automatic Pretreatment Function

    Derivatization via the Automatic Pretreatment Function


    UF-Amino Station uses an autosampler pretreatment function, collects the reaction reagent and sample, and adds the reaction liquid to the mixture. The sample mixture is injected into the heating block, where it is heated and subjected to the derivatization reaction. Following the reaction, the sample is injected into the sample loop for the injection process.


    Parallel Analysis and Pretreatment Heightens Efficiency

    The sample solution derivatized during automatic pretreatment is injected into the column, and when analysis is started, the autosampler pretreats the next sample solution. During analysis, pretreatment for the next analysis is performed, so analysis proceeds efficiently with no loss of time, which contributes to substantial reductions in running costs and environmental load.

    Parallel Analysis and Pretreatment Heightens Efficiency


    Improved Reliability of Analysis Results due to Automatic Pretreatment

    Adding reagents, mixing, heating, and other processes are automated, which improves the stability and efficiency of the derivatization reaction. In addition, internal standard calibration utilizing stable isotopes ensures repeatability and calibration curve linearity, so highly reliable results are obtained.

    Improved Reliability of Analysis Results due to Automatic Pretreatment


    Analysis of Culture Media Solution Samples

    Applying the high selectivity of LC-MS, amino acids in culture media solutions that contain a number of impurities can be detected and quantitated. Additionally, with UF-Amino Station, 38 components can be analyzed in just 9 minutes, so it can be applied to monitoring amino acid composition in multi-sample culture media solutions.

    Analysis of Culture Media Solution Samples


    Smooth Data Analysis via LabSolutions Insight

    Increased Efficiency of Multi-Sample Data Analysis

    With LabSolutions Insight, the window configuration can be adopted to enable intuitive operation. Users can assess the peak information and calibration curves for the selected compound at a glance, so the analysis process proceeds smoothly.

    Increased Efficiency of Multi-Sample Data Analysis


    Refined Report Output

    With LabSolutions Insight, report formats can be used for tabulating the required information including the chromatograms, area values, and concentrations acquired from multiple samples.
    Specific amino acid analysis results can be selectively output from samples, standards, and/or controls, which reduces printing costs by creating reports suited to the desired objectives.
    Additionally, the analysis results can be output in CSV format and copied into other software.

    Report Output