LabSolutions Insight Library Screening - Options
LC/MS/MS Screening Software
Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS
The LCMS-8045 was designed to be robust. The heated ESI probe, high-temperature heating block, heated desolvation line, drying gas, and focusing optics all act to maximize sensitivity and minimize contamination.
The LCMS-8050 is capable of simultaneously obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information in a single analysis.
The LCMS-8060NX is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with world-class sensitivity and detection speeds. It boasts increased robustness and ease of use as well as Analytical Intelligence to maximize your laboratory’s output.
Application Specific LC-MS Systems
Method package including 129 veterinary drug compounds, more than 3 times as many as Ver. 1
Software Options
LabSolutions Connect can perform everything from execution of the optimization of MRM transitions and interface parameters to checking of the optimization results, creation of method and batch files for quantitative analysis, and quantitative calculations.