Vol.6, Issue1-marzo 2018 CONTENT
Featuring Material Science
Shimadzu Journal Vol.6, Issue1-marzo 2018 (3,294 KB) Material Science
[Insight from Customer (Interview)] Interview with Dr. Gunnar Merz (Page 4-5) We interviewed Dr. Gunnar Merz, CEO of CFK Valley e.V. in Germany. The CFK Valley e.V. is an established World-wide competence network for carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP, German abbreviation is CFK). More than 100 international companies, research facilities and universities are organized in the non-profit association. |
[Insight from Customer (Report)] CFK Valley hold their convention every year to exchange new ideas among the members, and welcome the new partners around the world. The convention 2018 will take place on June 12th-13th in Stade, Germany. | |
[Article 1 (Material Science)] Emissive organic materials are versatile for the application to advanced organic devices such as paper displays, flexible photovoltaic cells, and printing electronic circuits. In particular, organoboron complexes including polymers have gathered much attention as a key building block for the next-generation of opto-electronic devices because of their opto-electronic functions. | |
[Article 2 (Material Science)]
Detection of Inclusions in Metal Materials Using an Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing System (Page 10-11) Generally it is known that with most structural metal materials the fatigue strength lowers until a load is applied 106 times, and from 107 times onward the fatigue limit is reached, at which no fatigue fracture will occur. However, it is also revealed that with high-strength metal materials that are hardened or surface treated, internal inclusions become an origin of a fatigue fracture and cause a fracture even at 108 to 109 cycles.
Shimadzu selected 13 articles for this issue. They derive from application notes related to material sciences, and utilize a variety of Instruments we produce. Cutting-edge technologies are also included. | |
Shimadzu has acquired AlsaChim, a specialist for high-quality analytical isotope labeled standards (Page 15) Shimadzu has joined forces with the France-based AlsaChim company, an independent contract research and development organization.AlsaChim specializes in stable isotope-labelled compounds, metabolites and pharmaceutical related substances, and analytical purposes. |
[Topics] Shimadzu has established the Innovation Centre in its oversea subsidiary Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd. (SAP) to manage most advanced joint research and development with local researchers, and started operations on 17 de noviembre de 2017. | |
[Topics] Shimadzu Corporation and the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency, headquartered in Vienna, Austria) have agreed on the donation of a Shimadzu LCMS-8060 High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer to the agency. | |
[New Products] HITS-TX (High-Speed Impact Testing Machine), MALDI-8020 (Benchtop Linear MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer Microscope), Polymer Additives Library (GC/MS Mass Spectra Library for a wide range of Additives utilized in polymer materials), IRSpirit (Compact Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer) (Page 18) |