Magnetic field Sector type

    Ions travel in a circular orbit within a magnet but the radius of the orbit is different depending on the ion mass. This difference is utilized to separate various masses.

    Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer
    Quadrupole type

    RF and DC voltages are overlapped and applied to 4 rods. While ions traveling between the rods oscillate, the oscillating orbit is different depending on the mass. This difference is utilized to separate various masses.
    Overview of Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
    Structure of Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
    Voltages Applied to QP Rods
    Mass Selection with QP Mass Analyzer
    Time-of-Flight type
    The time required to fly a fixed distance depends on the mass and is utilized to separate various masses.
    Time-of-Flight Mass Analyzer

    The time required to fly a fixed distance depends on the mass and is utilized to separate various masses.


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