
Cautions When Using Hydrogen Gas with FID, FPD or FTD Detectors

FID: Flame Ionization Detector; FPD: Flame Photometric Detector; FTD: Flame Thermionic Detector

In principle, when an FPD detector is used, the flow rate of hydrogen is excessively large compared to the flow rate of air. Even after ignition, some of the hydrogen will not burn and will be expelled into the surrounding air.
For safety, ensure adequate ventilation in the room.
When using an APC/AFC, if a leak error occurs when the supply pressure is normal, stop using the unit and contact your Shimadzu representative for repair.
The valves used in APC/AFC instruments have an estimated service life of 11 years (depending on conditions of use).
When using a gas chromatograph with manually set hydrogen gas flow rate, check the instrument and pressure adjustment valve for gas leaks if the gas flow rate or pressure becomes excessively high (or low).
If the leak cannot be found or cannot be stopped, or if the pressure does not return to normal after the leak is stopped, stop operation of the instrument and contact your Shimadzu representative for repair.
When using a gas chromatograph with manually set hydrogen gas flow rate (excluding instruments with a solenoid-type supply-gas shutoff valve), use the following procedure to manually set the hydrogen gas flow rate.
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: A long delay between supplying gas to the detector and ignition of the gas allows gas to flow into the room, creating the risk of an explosion.

Supplying Hydrogen Gas to the Detector

  1. Confirm that the carrier gas and the temperature of the gas chromatograph have reached their set values.
  2. Open the main valve on the hydrogen gas cylinder.
  3. Set the hydrogen gas flow rate.
  4. With an FID or FPD, perform ignition.
  5. Confirm that ignition is successful. If ignition fails, use the following "Stopping the Instrument" procedure to stop the instrument. Then, inspect the detector.

Stopping the Instrument

  1. Close the main valve on the hydrogen gas cylinder.
  2. Set the hydrogen gas flow rate to zero.
  3. Switch OFF power to the instrument.