Fix room size

Move walls

You can move the walls to any position by clicking the Move button and dragging the wall line.

Add a wall

You can add walls anywhere. Click the Draw button and click the start point you want to add a wall. Move the mouse until the end point, then click again. If the end point does not overlap another, double-click there.

Erase a wall

You can erase a wall. After clicking the Erase button, click the wall that you want to erase.

X-ray tube support

You can choose the type of ceiling-mounted X-ray tube support. Depending on the type you choose, it may not be possible to select the 2nd tube.

Ceiling Rail

Select the rail length and width for the ceiling-mounted X-ray tube support. Select "No Suspension" if you want to simulate a case that doesn't require the ceiling rails such as R/F room.

2nd Rail

Select the rail length and width if you want to place two ceiling-mounted X-ray tube support. If this is not necessary, select "No Suspension".

*The grid lines on the floor are 50cm square.

Green Line: Floor/Ceiling-mounted C-arm movement range
Yellow Line: Lateral C-arm movement range
Blue Line: Catheter table movement range

X-ray tube support
Ceiling Rail
2nd Rail, if needed
Select a system
The ceiling rails marked "*" are not available in some regions.