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  • Multi-purpose R/F System - SONIALVISION G4 LX edition

Multi-purpose R/F SystemSONIALVISION G4
LX edition

SONIALVISION G4 LX edition, remote controlled multi-purpose universal R/F system, can be used for a wide variety of examinations, including orthopedics, general radiography, barium studies, endoscopy, urology, angiography, etc. It improves the productivity of your R/F room while supporting high-level procedures with exceptional image quality at a minimum X-ray dose level.

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【Clinical Fields & Product Line】

  • Geriatrics
  • Oncology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pediatrics/NICU/Neonatal
  • Radiology
  • Urology/Speech Pathology/Pulmonology
  • Fluoroscopy

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2-Minute Overview: Essential Features

Explore the essential features of the SONIALVISION G4 LX edition in this 2-minute overview presented by our product expert.
*This video is a re-edit of RSNA2021 Shimadzu highlight video.

Tomosynthesis assisted by T-smart PRO in 3-Minute

To support efficient Tomosynthesis exams, Shimadzu offers T-smart PRO, which utilizes our deep learning technology. Discover how the tomosynthesis assisted by T-smart PRO benefits radiology clinicians in this 2-minute introduction.

User Testimonial - Santiam Hospital & Clinics, Oregon, USA

In this video, our customer talks about her using experience of SONIALVISION G4 LX edition.

Operational video

This video introduces you to the actual operational steps for utilizing advanced applications, enabling you to visualize the process and understand how its workflow is both quick and easy.


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Access Additional Clinical Images and Cine Loops(account required)


Utility of Tomosynthesis for Diagnosis of Wrist Joint Disorders -Focus on Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury-

Utility of Tomosynthesis for Diagnosis of Wrist Joint Disorders -Focus on Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury-Shinji Tsuchida, Department of Orthopaedics, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is a complex of ligaments and fibrous cartilage on the ulnar side of the wrist and is a soft tissue that...

Application of Tomosynthesis for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia

Application of Tomosynthesis for Novel Coronavirus PneumoniaWu Zhengguang, Chief Physician, Department of Radiology, Guangdong Second Provincial People’s Hospital, Guangzhou, China Vice Chairman, Imaging Expert Committee, China Medical Association

Guangdong Second Provincial People’s Hospital was founded...

Our Experience Using the SCORE PRO Adavnce, New Low-Dose Fluoroscopic Image Processing, for Pancreaticobiliary Regions

Our Experience Using the SCORE PRO Adavnce, New Low-Dose Fluoroscopic Image Processing, for Pancreaticobiliary RegionsYoshitaka Nakai, Department of Gastroenterology, Digestive Disease Center, Kyoto Katsura Hospital

Given the importance of interventional radiology (IVR) examinations such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic...


Room Planner

You can easily plan your own X-ray or Angiography room and simulate operations, using our 3D simulation tool, the Room Layout Planner.
> Access the Room Layout Planner (account required).

The product design may be partially changed without notice.


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