Creating the Future of Healthcare with Partners~ SHIMADZU Advanced Healthcare ~ -Pioneering Partnerships for Advanced Healthcare-

Creating the Future of Healthcare with Partners~ SHIMADZU Advanced Healthcare ~ -Pioneering Partnerships for Advanced Healthcare-

Collaborative Research & Development for Advanced Healthcare utilizing the synergistic combination of Shimadzu's core technologies in analytical science and medical diagnostic imaging


What is Advanced Healthcare?

What is Advanced Healthcare?

Our technology is used in the research and development of ultra-early diagnostics, diagnostics, medical treatment, and prognosis phases to overcome diseases, such as cancer and lifestyle-related illnesses, and achieve healthier, longer life expectancies.

As society enters an era of aging demographics, there is a growing concern about how to maintain health at these advanced ages. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as long as possible involves prevention, ultra-early diagnosis, medical treatment that minimizes the burden on the body and mind, and managing prognosis appropriately.

How can Shimadzu Corporation help?

As a pioneer in diagnostic X-ray imaging and a leader in mass spectrometry, Shimadzu has been working daily with researchers to develop solutions that will significantly change the future of healthcare, based on visualization using our medical and imaging technology and quantitative analysis using mass spectrometers.

Moving forward, we will continue to collaborate with pioneering researchers in efforts to develop solutions that extend healthy life expectancies and positively impact the healthcare environment of the future.

Shimadzu’s Response to Bone Health

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Shimadzu’s Response
to Dementia

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Shimadzu’s Response
to Cancer

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KYOLABS: SHIMADZU Healthcare R&D Center
for Researching Advanced Solutions

KYOLABS Shimadzu's collaborative laboratories

Shimadzu is accelerating efforts to develop healthcare solutions based on its strengths in analytical & measuring technology and medical diagnostic imaging technology. We aim to contribute to sustainable growth in aging societies and to support the development of foods that help improve human health. To achieve those objectives, Shimadzu opened the Healthcare R&D Center in June 2019. The center includes the KYOLABS collaborative laboratories for research and development.

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