The Shimadzu Group in China Held an Educational Event for the Next Generation

The “Little Pharmacologists” participating in the Science School

The “Little Pharmacologists” participating in the Science School

The Shimadzu Group is involved with CSR activities in various regions around the world. Here, we introduce educational activities for the next generation performed by Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd. (SSL) in June.


Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd. (SSL)

In addition to providing Shimadzu product sales and aftermarket services in China, Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd. has established development planning departments and procurement departments, and plays a large role in optimizing the Shimadzu Group’s global development and production system. SSL has 14 branches in places including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chongqing. More than 1,300 employees work at this Group company, which acts as the Chinese Head Office for Shimadzu Corporation.

Holding a Science School with College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University

In collaboration with College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University, the SSL Chongqing office held a science school for “little pharmacologists.” This event was started by SSL in collaboration with College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University from the perspective of contributing to society.

200 students from the second to the fourth year of elementary school participated in this, the third year of the event, together with teaching staff from College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University as well as students and SSL employees. Participation by the children was split across 12 courses, and they enjoyed practical science experiments.

【12 Courses Held on the Day of the Event】
(1) Model research for pharmaceuticals utilizing the features of 3D printers (7) Creating scent bag
(2) Real and fake silver (Ag)  (8) Tracking fingerprints
(3) Creating plant specimens (9) Creating fan containing
Chinese medicine
(4) Understanding the physical properties of Chinese medicines (10) Manufacturing disinfectant
(5) Observing the microscopic structure of plants using a microscope (11) Manufacturing wormwood
mint cream
(6) Principles of light and color (12) Science of drinking magic

Employees from the SSL Chongqing office were responsible for the following two courses.

In the course entitled (2) Real and fake silver (Ag), real and fake silver were compared using an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (EDX).


The children and the SSL analysis center employee responsible for teaching the course entitled (2) Real and Fake Silver (Ag)

The children and the SSL Analysis Center employee responsible for teaching the course entitled (2) Real and fake silver (Ag)

In the course entitled (12) Science of drinking magic, the students compared and studied the categories in a table of raw materials for beverages. Then they mixed the materials to create the beverages.

After the event finished, both the children and their parents felt that they had gained much from the experience. The SSL employees and staff who implemented the event expressed their desire to popularize science with children, and to work tirelessly in the field of education.


The staff at the SSL Environmental Sales office, who were responsible for the course entitled (12) Science of drinking magic.

The staff at the SSL Environmental Sales office, who were responsible for the course entitled (12) Science of drinking magic.

Work Experience by Junior High School Students in Shanghai

At the SSL Shanghai branch, junior high school students at Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School had an opportunity to gain work experience. In addition to its corporate policies and business activities, they were introduced to a variety of CSR activities. The students were introduced to the Analysis Center and learned about applications aimed at research and solving societal issues. They also used a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LCMS-8050) to analyze the caffeine in coffee. The students gained experience with the sampling, pretreatment, and injection of analysis samples.

Students from Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School learning Japanese as their first foreign language

Students from Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Language Middle School learning Japanese as their first foreign language

Comparative analysis of coffees purchased from multiple coffee shops near the Shanghai branch

Comparative analysis of coffees purchased from multiple coffee shops near the Shanghai branch

Comments from the Staff

SSL began teaching the analytical science course for elementary and junior high school students in 2015, making this the tenth year of the program. We will continue to proactively fulfill our corporate social responsibilities as members of the Shimadzu Group, instilling an interest in science in the children, and continuing educational activities for the next generation to encourage their growth.


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