
User Benefits

- It is possible to manage organic contamination in sulfuric acid. - By using the ASI-L auto-sampler, multiple samples can be automatically measured.


Sulfuric acid is an essential chemical compound with diverse applications, including its use as a fertilizer raw material, in metal refining, and paper production. Ensuring the quality of sulfuric acid is crucial due to the potential impact of impurities on both the manufacturing process and the final products. In industries like semiconductor manufacturing, sulfuric acid is utilized as a cleaning agent. If organic impurities from the cleaning agent remain on the wafer surface, it can not only diminish the quality of the wafer and semiconductor products but also potentially disrupt the entire manufacturing process. Total organic carbon (TOC) serves as an effective indicator for detecting organic contaminants in sulfuric acid. However, the presence of high concentrations of sulfate ions can influence measurement accuracy. Nevertheless, the Shimadzu TOC-L Total Organic Carbon Analyzer allows direct measurement of sulfuric acid within a concentration range of up to 1 %. This article provides an example of TOC measurements conducted using the Shimadzu TOC-L analyzer for a 1 % sulfuric acid solution.

August 1, 2023 GMT

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