- EDXRF can analyze minerals in foods as-is or with only simple sample preparation. - Nondestructive analysis of samples in various forms, including solid, liquid, and powder, is possible. - Light elements can be analyzed with higher sensitivity by analysis under a vacuum or helium replacement atmosphere.
Reduction of food loss is an international challenge, as also taken up in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. Various initiatives are being carried out toward the solution of this problem, including moves to evaluate the nutritional value of food waste that had been discarded until now, with the aim of recycling. For example, the core of cabbage was usually treated as an object of waste disposal and had been diverted to other uses such livestock feed or compost, but because it is rich in minerals, use in health foods and processed foods is expected. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) are widely used in component analysis of foods. While these analytical methods are superior in terms of sensitivity, they also have the problem that a high level of technology and skill is required in the analysis because chemical sample preparation is necessary, for example by dissolving specimens with an acid such as nitric acid or hydrochloric acid. On the other hand, the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (EDXRF) has the feature that analyses can be carried out with the sample as-is or with only simple sample preparation. This Application News introduces the following, focusing on measures to reduce food loss and safety evaluation of foods. 1. Evaluation of minerals in cabbage 2. Screening analysis of hazardous elements
November 21, 2023 GMT
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