Introducing the XSeeker 8000 Bench-Top X-Ray CT System


User Benefits

- The compact bench-top system is easy to install in cramped locations. - The high output X-ray generator enables a wide range of objects to be imaged, such as plastic products and metal parts. - Observation and analysis software comes as standard, so additional equipment is not needed to perform routine inspections and analysis.


Along with demands for higher performance and accuracy, the inspection and analysis requirements of instruments are diversifying. Because detecting internal defects that cannot be seen by visual examination is so important, there has been increasing demand for devices capable of non-destructive examinations. X-ray fluoroscopy and X-ray CT systems that can perform non-destructive inspections and analysis of the interiors of products already exist, but most are large, have many setting items, and are complicated to operate. To resolve these issues, Shimadzu Corporation has developed the XSeeker 8000 bench-top X-ray CT system, an instrument that can be installed on a bench top and is not complicated to operate. Unlike conventional floor type instruments, it is compact, so finding a location to install it is not a problem. Also, there are only three steps in the settings for taking images, so the operability is extremely high. Software for viewing and analyzing the images comes as standard, so the interiors of products can be observed and analyzed without the need for additional equipment. This article introduces the functions of the XSeeker 8000 bench-top X-ray CT system and gives examples of images taken.

January 9, 2024 GMT

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