Efficient Preparative Purification Workflow of Synthetic Peptide Using Analytical/Preparative Switching LC-MS System


User Benefits

- A multi-step seamless preparative purification workflow of synthetic peptides can be performed within a single LC-MS system setup. - LabSolutions MD can provide easy investigation for optimal separation conditions for target compounds. - Target compounds can be purified from crude samples with high purity and high recovery based on the excellent identification capability of LCMS-2050.


In the 2000s, biopharmaceuticals such as antibody drugs have emerged but there are many challenges to overcome because of their manufacturing process using genetic technology. Consequently, middle molecule drugs are paid attention to, peptide therapeutics, one of the middle molecule drugs which have advantages of being manufactured at low cost, easily taken into cells because of their small molecular weight, and prevented from degradation by adopting a specific three-dimensional structure when they are taken into the human body. Since such peptides are produced by chemical synthesis like small molecule drugs, it is essential to purify, fractionate, and confirm the purity of the final synthesized product. In this article, we present a case study of a multi-step seamless preparative purification workflow (optimizing separation conditions, scaling-up, fractionation, and confirming purity/recovery) of a peptide using preparative purification liquid chromatograph Nexera Prep based on Application News 01-00650-EN and 01-00651-EN.

July 31, 2024 GMT