Application of Glatiramer Acetate Analysis with Protein Sequencer PPSQ-50A


User Benefits

-Protein sequencers can be used to reproducibly measure and evaluate the molar ratio of the constituent amino acid residues in the N-terminal portion of a polypeptide mixture. -Useful for quality control of glatiramer acetate.


Biopharmaceuticals, including antibody drugs, have emerged to replace small molecule drugs, but they are expensive to produce and their large molecular weight makes it difficult for them to be taken up by cells. Middle molecule drugs are attracting attentions to solve these problems. Peptide drugs produced by peptide synthesis are one of these middle molecule drugs. In this paper, we report an example of the use of a protein sequencer PPSQ-50A systems for the analysis of glatiramer acetate (GA), a complex mixture of polypeptides.

September 10, 2024 GMT

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