Determination of 20 Nutritional, Essential and Toxic Elements in Blood Serum by ICP-MS using Alkaline Dilution


User Benefits

- Using serum calibrators and serum control samples of ©Recipe simplifies working routine while reducing risk of errors - Offering gas switching times <5 sec and using ProActive Rinsing function, a sample cycle time of ~2.0 min. can be achieved, avoiding the need of additional fast rinse accessories / sample loops - Of great importance is the comparable low serum volumes required per specimen (~ 75 µL Serum)


Elemental analysis of blood serum is crucial for understanding the biochemical composition of the human or animal body and its implications for health. Several scientific studies have provided evidence supporting the importance of element analysis in various aspects of healthcare, whether it can be nutritional assessment, toxic element exposure or medical conditions. In recent times, ICP-MS is state of the art choice for routine analysis of elements in blood serum. Different aspects like robustness and throughput form the principles of this method, while not compromising reliability. Important aspects to take into consideration are highlighted within this note, especially aiming to reduce sample volume and measurement time, allowing to quantify more than 20 elements in ~2.0min. while avoiding more complex sample injection techniques.

November 20, 2024 GMT

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