EHF-L Series
- SEM Servopulser allows for real-time observation of microscopic fracture occurring during the test. - The Servo Controller 4830 enables high-precision dynamic control.
Material fracture arises from both macroscopic defects originating from specific damage points and microscopic defects such as inclusions or crystal lattice transitions. By analyzing the cracks that propagate from these defects in detail, it becomes possible to predict the fatigue life of the material and improve the durability and safety of products and components. A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is useful for observing damage and cracks on a material’s surface at high resolution. In material fatigue evaluation, a strength test is conducted, but in the past, damage and cracks were observed after the tests, and it was not possible to observe crack propagation at the microscopic level during the tests. In this paper, an SEM Servopulser was used, which combines a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an electric-hydraulic fatigue testing system (Servopulser). By using the SEM Servopulser, it is possible to observe microscopic fracture on the surface of the specimen in real time. In this test, a three-point bending fatigue test was conducted on a metal specimen with a notch in the center using the SEM Servopulser, allowing real-time observation of crack propagation.
November 26, 2024 GMT
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