Streamlining of Preparative Purification Work by Nexera ASAPrep


User Benefits

- Automatic generation of optimal preparative conditions based on a unique scale-up algorithm streamlines preparative purification operations. - Intuitive UI design and automatic conditioning function allow easy preparative purification, regardless of operator's experience. - Automatic determination of difficulty level of sample preparation supports assigment of preparative purification work.


Since impurities as well as main compound are usually generated during compound synthesis, purification is essential to improve the precision of subsequent processes. Preparative purification liquid chromatography (preparative LC) is often used for purification work, but there is a need to improve the efficiency of this process since this work requires expert users and a considerable amount of time. Nexera ASAPrep (Automated Scale-up from Analytical to Preparative), an automated scale-up HPLC system for reversed-phase purification, is equipped with a function that automatically determines the difficulty level of sample preparation and automatically generates optimal preparative conditions. Furthermore, the intuitive UI design and automatic conditioning function allow anyone to easily perform preparative purification, regardless of operator experience. Through these features, this system can support the assignment of preparative purification tasks based on the difficulty level of preparation, thereby helping to improve the efficiency of preparative purification process. This article introduces a preparative purification workflow with Nexera ASAPrep, using three mixtures containing the main compounds and related impurities.

December 19, 2024 GMT