Saint Maur des Fossés

Saint Maur des Fossés


    Environment, Small Molecule Pharmaceutical




We visited the drinking water purification facility of Saint Maur des Fossés city (Water and sanitation service, Saint Maur des Fossés city), which is located at about 10 km east of Paris. We interviewed Ms. Françoise Heuillard, who is responsible for the production and quality of drinking water.

This purification facility is located on the border of the Marne River, and a SHIMADZU TOC-4110 On-line TOC analyzer is installed at the inlet of water from the river.
The TOC-4110 was installed on March 2011.
The sampling unit of the TOC-4110 was successfully modified to fit the installation site, and the TOC data is sent out through the current output and the Modobus.


Ms. Françoise Heuillard

Ms. Françoise Heuillard
Responsible for production and quality of drinking water
Water and sanitation service, Saint Maur des Fossés city


*Affiliates and titles of the interviewee are current as of the time of reporting.

Saint Maur des Fossés
URL http://www.saint-maur.com/-Eau-et-assainissement-


Good morning, Ms. Heuillard. I found your town full of green and comfortable, and I realize how aware you are of human health and environment protection. The phrase, “The town which respects the environment,” that appears at the top of your web site also tells it. Now, could you tell us, Ms. Heuillard, the purpose for the TOC-4110 ?

We are monitoring the quality of raw water at the inlet of the facility in order to avoid any risk of polluting the drinking water. Generally, a drinking water purification facility monitors the pH, conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, TOC, and, in the urban area, the hydrocarbon in the water. The parameters to be monitored are selected by each facility, taking into account the nature of the source water.  TOC in drinking water is regulated to be 2 mg/L or lower in France.

What was the reason for choosing the TOC-4110 ?

The city council invited tenders for an On-line TOC analyzer that is reliable, robust, precise, and easy to maintain. We also strongly required high oxidation performance of organic compounds, because we are concerned about TOC measurement of river water that contains large amounts of humic acid and fulvic acid. We found that the SHIMADZU TOC-4110 best fit our requirements. We also visited two users of SHIMADZU TOC analyzers in advance. One was a TOC-4110 used for waste water monitoring in a chemical plant, and the other was a TOC-V used for a drinking water application.

Please let us know your impression after installation of the TOC-4110.

It has been almost 1 and a half years since the TOC-4110 was installed, and it satisfied all our initial testing requirements. Now, I like it very much because it requires few maintenance labor and cost. The data is stable and consistent to the data obtained in the laboratory.

What are the advantages and benefits of TOC-4110 ?

First, I like the performance of the TOC-4110 when measuring samples that contains a large amount of BOD and fulvic acid. Another advantage is its sensitivity. Actually I can test the produced water (i.e. drinking water) with precision of 5% or lower, without modifying any analytical parameters. Since it is equipped with off-line sampling capability, it is useful in this regard in our facility. However, I am going to use the off-line sampling port for the second on-line stream in the near future. This is to monitor the TOC in produced water.

Please let us know your idea about what needs to be improved, added and enhanced for the TOC-4110.

TOC in deionized water that we usually use as the reagent water slightly increases with time and can affect TOC analyses in the low range. As such, it will be nice if you provide us with a device, which is on-board, to supply purified water automatically.

We have heard the same request from our customers, and we now have an option to meet your requirement.

Thank you very much for an interesting interview, Ms. Heuillard. We will bring your opinions back to SHIMADZU, and use them for future developments. Today, I am happy to see a TOC-4110 running fine in France.

Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre cooperation, et je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès avec notre instrument. Merci pour votre confiance.

Comments About the Interview

The on-line TOC monitoring of raw water at a drinking water facility is becoming more important in order to avoid any unexpected contamination of the produced water. A TOC analyzer that uses the catalytic combustion technique, like the TOC-4110, is suitable and widely used for this application because of its high detection performance of difficult-to-oxidize organic substances. The TOC-4110 was succeeded by the new TOC-4200 in November 2011. Equipped with many advanced features, the TOC-4200 is a versatile on-line TOC analyzer which was developed based on the TOC-4110 and feedback from the field.


This TOC-4110 was sold and is always supported by SHIMADZU FRANCE SAS. SHIMADZU FRANCE SAS offers a full lineup of analytical instruments for the chemical analyses and the life sciences.

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