Aldehydes in Atmospheric Air


Aldehydes are among thirteen types of regulated hazardous air pollutants (substances that may have an adverse effect on human health if inhaled continuously and are also a cause of environmental pollution). The Japanese Offensive Odor Control Act mandates the measurement of aldehydes within the boundaries of factories. Here we introduce applications for gas chromatography (GC) and  high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)  analysis of propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, and valeraldehyde in air.

Application News


Simultaneous Analysis of DNPH-Derivatized Aldehydes Using Prominence™-i Plus and Shim-pack Scepter™ PFPP-120 



On September 21, 2018, the method for measurement of Specified Offensive Odor Substances in Article 5 of the Ordinance of Japan’s Offensive Odor Control Law was revised, and was promulgated and enforced as Ministry of the Environment Notification No. 78. This revision newly added high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC method) for concentration measurement at the border of the site and flow rate measurement at the gas emission point of six aldehyde substances (Acetaldehyde, Propionaldehyde, n-Butyraldehyde, iso-Butyraldehyde, n-Valeraldehyde, and iso-Valeraldehyde). Here, we introduce an example of analysis of these six aldehydes using the Prominence-i Plus integrated high performance liquid chromatograph and the Shim-pack Scepter PFPP-120 column, which contains the pentafluorophenylpropyl (PFPP) group.



Analysis of Gas-Phase Formaldehyde by GC-FID Method Utilizing DNPH Derivatization



Formaldehyde has the simplest structure among the aldehydes, but is known to be a harmful air pollutant. Accordingly, various pretreatment processes for trace analysis of the compound have been proposed and established in the past (Application News No. G292, L476). Flame Ionization Detector (FID) is among the most general detectors used in Gas Chromatography (GC). While FID does not have sensitivity for formaldehyde, it does for DNPH (2,4- dinitrophenylhydrazine)-derivatized formaldehyde. This article examined the quantitation of formaldehyde in gas- phase by

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