Analysis of Aldehydes and Ketones in Exhaust Gas (HPLC)

The analysis of exhaust gas samples can be difficult using separation by reverse-phase chromatography and absorbance detection (UV detector) due to the number and high content of impurity components. In particular, the formaldehyde peak that elutes rapidly is often distorted or overlaid with impurity component peaks. This problem can often be overcome by adding methanol to Mobile Phase A.

Below is the analysis of aldehydes and ketones in automobile exhaust gas by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

* Samples supplied by the National Traffic Safety and Environmental Laboratory.

analysis of aldehydes and ketones in automobile exhaust gas

Broadening and distortion of the peaks may occur for both FAME and triglycerides, as the samples contain various components. However, these can be quantified using the grouping function of the data processing software.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph

High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph

A high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) measures the content of various components in a sample. A liquid medium flows through the HPLC flow channel. When a sample is introduced into the instrument, the components of the sample are separated in a column and the amount of each component is measured by a detector. HPLC can handle a much wider range of target samples and components than GC