Environmental hormones


Environmental hormones, also called endocrine disruptors, are chemical substances that cause harm to wildlife and humans by disrupting the function of the endocrine system where hormones are produced and are therefore regulated. There are also other chemical substances that are regulated due to being toxic, etc., but are also thought to have endocrine disrupting affects.

Application News


High-Sensitivity Analysis of Nonylphenol in River Water Using GC-MS/MS

High-Sensitivity Analysis of Nonylphenol in River Water Using GC-MS/MS


Nonylphenol (NP) is used as a raw material to produce surfactants and as an antioxidant used to protect rubber and plastics, etc., but recently it has been specified as a substance that can cause endocrine disruption in the environment.
We decided to investigate NP with a triple quadrupole gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS/MS) with high m/z selectivity . By optimizing the MS/MS analytical conditions, selective detection of thirteen 4-NP isomers was achieved with high sensitivity. Furthermore, in the analysis of NP in river water, which typically contains many contaminants, analysis was possible without adversely affecting identification accuracy, even when omitting the cleanup procedure which normally lowers the sample recovery rate. /p>


Analysis of PCBs and Organochlorinated Pesticides in River Water Using Simultaneous Scan/MRM Measurement in GC-MS/MS (3)

Analysis of PCBs and Organochlorinated Pesticides in River Water Using Simultaneous Scan/MRM Measurement in GC-MS/MS (3)



In recent years, chemical discharge incidents have increased on a global scale, heightening demands for the identification of unanticipated chemical substances in order to investigate causes and take necessary measures.
This article introduces an example of screening for environmental pollutant PCBs and chlorinated pesticides, which are compounds suitable for MRM measurements, by applying Compound Composer Database Software to the scan data acquired in simultaneous scan/MRM measurements.



Ultra Low Level Determination of Bisphenol A and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons in River Water Using Column-Switching HPLC with Fluorescence Detection

Ultra Low Level Determination of Bisphenol A and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons in River Water Using Column-Switching HPLC with Fluorescence Detection


We have introduced a multi-valve column switching HPLC system with a specially designed pretreatment column. This column-switching system solved a recurrent issue of column clogging and the MASK-ENV pretreatment column provided remarkable performance for removal of humic compounds from environmental water samples. 1 ng/L of bisphenol A (BPA) (which is an endocrine disruptor) could be detected by using the universal fluorescence detector RF-20Axs along with the 2-valve column switching pretreatment system.


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