AAIC 2022
Discover our innovative platforms and proven solutions for advanced healthcare
Join us on our virtual booth!
Shimadzu is a leading driver in developing healthcare solutions with technology developments ranging from advanced imaging systems for use in medical diagnosis and treatment, engineering mass spectrometry-based solutions for exploring ways to discover disease biomarkers as well as building MS solutions for daily routine quantitation in biological fluids. Discover all our solutions at the virtual booth
- Poster No. 66479 : High concordance between plasma amyloid β biomarkers by IP-MALDI-MS and visual assessment of amyloid PET
Authors: Naoki Kaneko, Akinori Nakamura, Ritsuko Yoda, Takashi Kato, Sadanori Sekiya, Kengo Ito, Shinichi Iwamoto, Koichi Tanaka - Poster No. 65701 : Relevance of plasma biomarkers to imaging biomarkers
Authors: Nakamura, MD, PhD, Takahiko Tokuda, MD, PhD, Naoki Kaneko, PhD, Takashi Kato, MD, PhD, Harutsugu Tatebe, PhD, Takashi Nihashi, MD, PhD,
Keita Sakurai, MD, PhD, Akinori Takeda, MD, PhD, Yutaka Arahata, MD, PhD, Kengo Ito, MD, PhD, and BATON study group - Poster No. 66492 : ADAMTS4 as an enzyme cleaving at APP669 site
Authors: Naoki Kaneko, Miyabishara Yokoyama, Kentaro Ikemura, Masaya Matsuzaki, Gabriel Opoku, Akihito Korenaga, Sadanori Sekiya, Shinichi Iwamoto, Satoshi Hirohata, Koichi Tanaka, Taisuke Tomita
Scientific publications
- Does the Plasma Amyloid-β Composite Biomarker Associate with Cognitive Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease?
IP-MS will answer. - IP-MS Technology introduction
- Collaborative Research Partner: Prof. Colin L Masters, The Florey Institute, The University of Melbourne

MALDI Lineup
Linear mode instruments have traditionally been the instruments of choice in MALDI‒TOF‒based quality control (QC) and profiling workflows, and the MALDI‒ 8020 is no exception. Peptides, proteins, polymers or oligonucleotides ‒ the instrument is capable of delivering the performance required for QC applications. Research laboratories will also benefit from the MS capabilities of the instrument through the rapid mass‒measurement of samples.
By combining a MALDI ion source with Digital Ion Trap (DIT) technology, it is possible to carry out high-sensitivity MS and MSn analysis even on micro-quantity samples. Not only can the mass of various molecules be checked, but it is also possible to carry out a wide range of analyses such as identifying proteins and investigating the structure of glycans and glycopeptides.
AXIMA Assurance
An affordable, robust Linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for all laboratories requiring routine manual or automated analysis of a wide variety of sample classes.Used to detect presence and ratio of amyloid beta in blood samples after immunoprecipitation.
LCMS-TQ Lineup
The LCMS-8060NX is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with high-class sensitivity and detection speeds together with proven robustness.A perfect tool for clinical research and quantitation of phosphor-TAU in biological fluids.
LCMS-High Resolution Lineup
The quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) LCMS-9030 system is a research grade mass spectrometer designed to deliver high-resolution, accurate-mass detection with incredibly fast data acquisition rates, allowing scientists to identify and quantify more compounds with greater confidence.
Imaging instrument Lineup
- Toward Next-Generation Optical Brain-Function ImagingTitle
Just how the human brain functions remain one of the greatest unsolved puzzles. To solve this mystery, brain-function imaging for visualization of brain functions has developed rapidly in recent years. In particular, in vivo optical imaging by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has attracted attention as a technique that supports next-generation brain science.Utilizing its leading-edge science and technology, Shimadzu has developed the LABNIRS/LIGHTNIRS, thereby contributing to the still growing field of brain science.