Brain-Function Measurements Using Optical Brain-Function Imaging

The Optical Brain-Function Imaging System (fNIRS*) uses safe, near-infrared light to capture fluctuations in oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin (Hb) concentration on the brain surface.
As brain-function imaging applies little restriction to the subject's movements, is portable, and requires no special facilities, it has rapidly become widely adopted in the field of brain research for the non-invasive imaging of brain activity (activation state and activated regions of the brain).
* fNIRS: functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy


Simultaneous EEG Measurement

This permits simultaneous NIRS and EEG measurements. LABNIRS high-speed sampling is effective for simultaneous EEG measurements. Please consult your Shimadzu representative.

MRI Fusion Software

Map images based on 3D information can be displayed over individual MRI images. Using a whole-head FLASH holder permits seamless mapping of the entire brain.

Video recording system

Records synchronized video images of the environment and a subject's body movements during measurements.

Stimulus presentation system

This allows testing with precise control of the presentation timing of visual and voice stimuli.

LABNIRS functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System



  • Uses safe, near-infrared light.
  • Not restrictive.
    Permits measurements of the subject's brain activity during specific tasks in a nearly normal living environment.
  • Permits use of the Flexible Adjustable Surface Holder (FLASH).
    Fits heads of different curvature, from children to adults.
  • Wide range of options
    An extensive range of options is available to support leading-edge brain-function research, including simultaneous brainwave measurements, overlay of 3D MRI images, realtime data transfer, and statistical software.