Sensitivity calibration is indispensable for precision balances. Functions such as PSC (Perfect Self Calibration) and timer CAL free the user from the trouble of manually calibrating sensitivity.

    PSC (Perfect Self Calibration)

    Perfect Self Calibration

    Electronic balances are precision instruments and are very susceptible to changes in room temperature. Sensitivity must be calibrated whenever required since changes in room temperature influence weight measurement values, which are not supposed to change. This is why the balance captures changes in room temperature that affect sensitivity and automatically starts calibration using built-in weights. This ensures that sensitivity is constant at all times, allowing the operator to concentrate on measurement tasks without having to worry about sensitivity calibration.

    Image of PSC

    The PSC function keeps the sensitivity error in a fixed range at all times.

    Timer CAL


    The balance starts calibration using built-in weights at preset times of the day. If you set calibration times before important measurements (e.g. before starting work in the morning, or during the lunch or evening break), the balance will automatically start calibration when the preset time is reached. Consistent measurement is possible without worrying about sensitivity calibration.

    Just preset the calibration times

    One-Button Calibration

    Internal Calibration

    The balance incorporates motor-driven calibration weights. Sensitivity can be calibrated whenever needed by a single key press.

    One-Lever Calibration

    One-lever CAL

    The balance has built-in calibration weights. Sensitivity can be calibrated whenever required by simply operating a lever or other control.