Shimadzu’s electronic balances (precision balances) have a weighing capacity ranging from 120g to 52kg and a readability from 1g to 1mg. They are widely used in government, university, and private company laboratories and quality control departments to weigh reagents and samples before the use of analytical instruments such as LC and HPLC. They are also used for weighing reagents and samples, and measuring mass change and density determination in pretreatment processes before the use of various analytical instruments. For example, they are used in manufacturing departments for piece counting, etc.

    We provide a comprehensive product lineup of electronic balances, including the top-loading UP Series, featuring superior response performance and weighing efficiency; the TW/TX/TXB Series, providing reliability and simple operability; and the portable electronic ELB Series, boasting precision without compromise.
    Learn more about our full lineup and how you can enhance your laboratory performance below.

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