Py-Screener Ver.2 - Configuration

Screening System for Phthalate Esters and Brominated Flame Retardants

Py-Screener Ver.2

P/N Description Qty
GCMS-QP2020 NX (Chinese Model)
225-10662-92 RP1 Assy, 230V, CE marked 1
GCMSsolution Insight  V4.53 System Package (English version)
GCMSsolution Insight  V4.53 System Package (Chinese version)
225-43910 -92
225-43910 -93
Py-Screener Ver.2 (English)
Py-Screener Ver.2 (Chinese)
225-20051-92 Tool Kit for NX 1
SSOT-227-35013-01 GCMS Entry Kit 1
225-38070-91 Maintenance Kit for NX 1
201-48067-05 Carrier Gas Supply Pipe 5m 2
225-31003-91 Phthalate Esters Standard for Py-GC/MS 1
225-30350-92 Py-Screener periodic replacement parts kit For GCMS-QP2020 NX (3years) 1
PY-3030D-220 Multi-Shot Pyrolizer EGA/PY-3030D 1
PY-1020E-S04D Auto-Shot Sampler AS-1020E 1
PY-K2030 PY-3030D installtion kit for Shimadzu GC-2030 1
225-38090-41 PY-3030D carrier gas line connection kit 1
PY-K313D Consumables set (estimated annual use for Multi-Shot pyrolyzer with AS-1020E) 1
227-36346-01 SH-1MS with guard column (15m x 0.25mm I.D., df=0.1μm+ 2m guard column) 1
PY1-K101 Sampling Tool Kit01 1
ERMEC591 European Reference Material ERM®-EC591 1

1. PC, Printer and Gas cylinders Pressure regulator, etc. shall be supplied locally.
2. Suitable capillary columns shall be chosen separately.
3. In order to use the AART (Automatic Adjustment of Retention Time) function, the n-alkane mixture is essential as a reference sample. 
   Please contact local branches or distributors of SIGMA-ALDRICH (http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/) and make sure to prepare n-alkane
   mixture locally.


Reagent Description P/N
n-alkane C7 - C40 Saturated Alkanes Standard
Components: C7-C40 n-alkanes
Concentration: 1000ug/mL in Hexane

* If measuring components are volatile samples, of which boiling points are not between C7 and C40, the above n-alkanes mixture can not be used for the analysis of that type of sample.

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