APCI Ionization Units
LCMS-9050 - Options
Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
LabSolutions LCMS
LabSolutions LCMS is general-purpose software used with the Shimadzu LCMS series. It provides total support for everything from system control to data acquisition and data analysis. Accurate mass spectrometry can be implemented with simple operations, thanks to the intuitive icons and meticulous functionality.
Analysis Modes Take Advantage of the Features of Q-TOF
There are six analysis modes: MS, SIM, MS/MS, MRM, MS/MS (Data Dependent Acquisition: DDA), and MS/MS (Data Independent Acquisition: DIA), enabling qualitative and quantitative analyses taking advantage of the features of Q-TOF. Further, in MS/MS, MRM, MS/MS (DDA), and MS/MS (DIA) modes, the resolution of the quadrupole mass separator can be freely configured, so the analysis conditions can be customized.
Related Page >>Performance Assistant
Control LC and MS with One Program
The LabSolutions LCMS workstation controls the LC and MS instruments simultaneously. The user interface (UI) adopted enables intuitive operations just as with LC.