FTIR accessory selection guide
In order to make full use of the impressive functionality offered by FTIR spectrophotometers, the optimal accessories must be selected based on the given application field or sample characteristics.
FTIR Spectroscopy Accessories & Options
Showing 1 - 2 of
2UV-Vis Spectrophotometer UV-2600i Plus/UV-2700i Plus has been released
Accommodating a wide range of accessories, UV-2600i Plus/UV-2700i Plus excels in diverse applications, measures slight absorbance differences, and ensures robust data management and compliance.
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer UV-1900i Plus has been released
Experience unmatched precision and ease with UV-1900i Plus. Featuring a refined user-friendly interface, ultra high-speed scanning, and comprehensive support functions, UV-1900i Plus ensures accurate and efficient measurements for all your needs.
TEC MCT (Peltier Cooled MCT) Detector is now available
Equipping the AIMsight Infrared Microscope or the AIRsight Infrared/Raman Microscope with the TEC MCT (peltier cooled MCT) detector makes it possible to obtain infrared spectra without using liquid nitrogen.
FTIR TALK LETTER Vol. 43 has been published
The article about the Introduction to the Spectrum Advisor can be used on all Shimadzu FTIR systems controlled by LabSolutions IR. Learn the key points of infrared spectral analysis for aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbons and aromatics.