Liquid Samples

Sample Analytical form and analytical condition Accessory
Transparent Sample Sample volume: 2.5 mL min. Standard Sample Compartment + 10 mm Cell
Micro-volume measurement 1 mL min. Semi-Micro Cell + Micro Cell Holder with Mask
500 µL min. Micro Cell + Micro Cell Holder with Mask
50 µL min. Super-micro Cell + Super-micro Cell Holder
For automatically measuring samples in multiple cells MMC-1600 8/16 Series Micro Multi-Cell Holders and Cells
Samples with high absorbance, but that are difficult to dilute (short optical path measurement) Short-Path Cell (1, 2, 5 mm) + Spacer for Short-Path Cell
Samples with low absorbance, but that are difficult to concentrate (long optical path measurement) Long-Path Cell (20, 30, 50, 100 mm) + Long-Path Rectangular Cell Holder
For automatically measuring samples in multiple cells Normal measurement Multi-Cell Sample Compartment (sample volume: 2.5 mL min.)
Small sample volumes (50 µL min.) MMC-1600 8/16 Series Micro Multi-Cell Holders and Cells
Requires temperature control CPS-100 Six-Cell Thermoelectrically Temperature-Controlled Cell Positioner
(sample volume: 2.5 mL min.)
For temperaturecontrolled measurements
(constanttemperature measurement)
Temperature-controlled with water circulation Constant-Temperature Cell Holder + NTT-2200P Constant-Temperature Water Circulator
Thermoelectrically temperature controlled Normal measurement TCC-100 Thermoelectrically Temperature-Controlled Cell Holder
Multi Samples CPS-100 Six-Cell Thermoelectrically Temperature-Controlled Cell Positioner
Tm Analysis / Temperature control S-1700 Thermoelectric Single Cell Holder
Automatically supplies sample to flow cells
(automatic analysis)
Requires temperature control (constant-temperature water circulation) 160C Sipper Unit + NTT-2200P
Temperature control not necessary 160L/160T/160U Sipper Unit (Select type based on liquid volume.)
Requires accurate control of aspiration volume. Requires temperature control
(constant-temperature water circulation)
Syringe Sipper CN + NTT-2200P (Select flow cell based on liquid volume.)
Temperature control not necessary Syringe Sipper N (Select flow cell based on liquid volume)
For automating measurement of multiple samples Sipper Unit or Syringe Sipper + ASC-5 Auto Sample Changer
Suspension Sample Absorption measurement of suspension samples Wavelength range: 240 nm min. Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
For measuring UV region above 190 nm SolidSpec-3700DUV
Turbidity measurement Light transmitted light turbidity measurement
(commonly used measurement method)
10/50 mm Cell + Long-Path Rectangular Cell Holder
(Optical path length of cell depends on test method.)
Integrating sphere turbidity measurement Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)

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