eTOC series - Consumables

TOC-1000e On-Line TOC Analyzer for Pure Water

Routine Consumable Parts

Description P/N Remarks
Excimer Lamp 638-69201-41  
Pump Head 638-59384-41  
Sample Filter Element 040-22305-80  
Printer Paper 078-15046-51 3 pcs

Conditioned Standard Solutions

Application P/N Remarks
Blank Water 638-60252-91 Four vials of blank water for thermometer validation and rinsing
Set of 147 µS/cm Potassium Chloride
Standard Conductivity Solutions
638-60254-91 Two vials of 147 µS/cm KCl and one vial of blank water for conductivity calibration
Set of 0-250-500 µg/L Sucrose Standard
TOC Solutions
638-60255-91 One vial of blank water and one vial each of 250 and 500 µg/L sucrose for TOC calibration and validation
Set of 0-500 µg/L Sucrose Standard TOC
638-60256-91 One vial of blank water and one vial of 500 µg/L sucrose for TOC calibration
Set of 0-500-1000-2000 µg/L Sucrose
Standard TOC Solutions
638-60257-91 One vial of blank water and one vial each of 500, 1000, and 2000 µg/L sucrose for TOC calibration and validation
Set of 0-2000 µg/L Sucrose Standard TOC
638-60258-91  One vial of blank water and one vial of 2000 µg/L sucrose for TOC calibration
USP 643 System Suitability Test Set, Confirmed (USP Standard) 638-60259-91 One vial of blank water, one vial of 500 µg/L sucrose, and one vial of 500 µg/L
1,4-benzoquinone for TOC system suitability test
USP 643 System Suitability Test Set, Equivalent 638-60260-91 One vial of blank water, one vial of 500 µg/L sucrose, and one vial of 500 µg/L
1,4-benzoquinone for TOC system suitability test

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